Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH Is Now 40 Percent Self-Sustaining!

RAVENOL Goes Green

Committed to one of our company guidelines, highlighting the environmentalism as a vital joint effort, we had – following extensive planning – a photovoltaics array installed on the roof of our company headquarters in Werther/ Westphalia.

Since December 2015, the RAVENOL has been making another direct contribution to the energy revolution, thus underlining the company’s sustainability guidelines: an about 160 kWp on-roof photovoltaics (PV) array. The partner for this project was GILDEMEISTER energy solutions GmbH. GILDEMEISTER energy solutions provides perfect solutions for the energy management of industrial customers and communities. These solutions include efficiency analyses for saving energy as well as systems for producing, saving and using renewable energy. By dint of the PV system, the Werther based plant has achieved an actual autarchy of 42 percent. This contributes to an electricity cost savings of about 50 percent per year! Over a run time of 20 years, this results in enormous economic advantages; combined with a reduction of the CO2 emissions by 1,357 tons.

Our regular commitment to the protection of the environment has been confirmed by the German TÃœV granting us the DIN EN ISO 14001:2009 certificate.

RAVENOL expects to be able to better control the production costs in the long run. The planned savings in the energy-cost area will allow the company to offer products at more competitive prices, thus making for a better position in the free-market competition – Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH looks ahead to a safe and profitable future. Learn more about  RAVENOL's environmental policy here.

GILDEMEISTER energy solutions are one of the most innovative companies in the energy sector and can hark back to the experience of 140 years of special knowledge in the machine and plant construction area. In the meantime, mid-sized and big industrial companies increasingly get actively involved in creating the energy revolution, with the Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH being a perfect example for this development.

GILDEMEISTER energy solutions Website