Please Note: All RAVENOL AMERICA orders are fulfilled and shipped by RAVENOL AMERICA D.B.A. Blauparts LLC. Your payment method receipt will show RAVENOL AMERICA D.B.A. Blauparts LLC as a result.

Shipping Information

Place your order before 3 PM Central Time and once we verify billing and shipping information, we will carefully pack and ship all IN STOCK items the same day!
FedEx Express shipments must be placed before 1 PM Central Time to ship same day.

Same-day shipping doesn't apply if your order is placed over the weekend or on major U.S. holidays like Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. But you'll get your order soon after.

US Lower 48 States

  • FedEx Home Delivery / Ground
    Delivery to most locations within 1-5 business days (depending on your location).
    FedEx Ground delivers to Business Addresses Mon - Fri.
    FedEx Home Delivery delivers to Residential Addresses every day of the week, including weekends.
    • For 20 case and larger quantities or barrels contact us for special pricing and a shipping shipping quote via LTL truck.
  • FedEx 2 Day
    Delivery to most locations within 2 business days by 8pm. Does NOT include Saturday or Sunday delivery.
    • FedEx 2 Day shipments must be placed before 1 PM Central Time to ship same day.
    • Delivery signature is required on air shipments.


  • Alaska and Hawaii are shipped FedEx air only. No ground shipments services are available for Alaska and Hawaii.
  • Special shipping offers are void.
  • Delivery signature is required.


  • Canadian/International orders are shipped 'USPS Priority Mail International' which requires signature upon delivery. Allow 3-10 business days for delivery depending on your location.
  • Canadian/International customers are responsible for all duties and taxes upon delivery.
  • Do not ask us to falsify the total amount of your order.
    • For 20 case and larger quantities or barrels contact us for special pricing and a shipping shipping quote via LTL truck.
Signature Required 
  1. Your delivery signature is required on all orders over $500.00. 
  2. If you are unable to sign for your package we suggest that you have your package shipped to your work address, friend, or relative where someone can sign for it.

Sales Tax Information

RAVENOL AMERICA D.B.A. Blauparts LLC is required to collect and charge sales tax on orders shipped to states and provinces that have applicable sales tax requirements.

Returns Information

PLEASE NOTE: To qualify for a return, your authorization request must be received within 30 days of sales invoice date. All returns over this 30 day period are NOT accepted! First, read the rest of information on this page to determine if your return may qualify. If your return qualifies, follow the steps listed under 'How to Submit a Return' below.

  1. It is RAVENOL AMERICA D.B.A. Blauparts LLC's policy that all returns be handled via a return request by logging into your customer account. The submitted information will be verified and considered.
  2. A copy of your original invoice MUST be included with all returns.
  3. The following will void your return:
    1. Over 30 days from the ship date on your original invoice.
    2. Products that have been opened, installed or damaged from improper or attempted installation.
    3. The return is not in a re-sellable, like-new condition.
    4. Our ID mark, part number, label, stamp or tab has been removed or tampered with.
    5. If original wrappings/boxes for the item, including labels, are damaged or not returned.
  4. Refunds are given for the cost of items only. Shipping charges are non-refundable. This includes rejected or non-deliverable packages.
  5. The buyer is responsible for return shipping costs on all returns. RAVENOL AMERICA D.B.A. Blauparts LLC does not provide any pre-paid shipping label. If a package is damaged when it arrives in our receiving department, it will be refused. We suggest insuring your package to protect your investment. Please keep all shipping receipts in case your package is lost or damaged by the carrier. If damage during return shipment occurs, it is the customer's responsibility to file a damage claim.
  6. Please allow 7 business days from the date we receive your return for your credit to be processed.

How to Submit a Return

To submit a return log in to your customer account, find the order you wish to return and select the Return Items link. Please note that you will not be able to submit a return request for an order that has already been refunded or partially refunded.

Next, specify the Qty to Return, Return Reason, and Return Action. Then fill in the Comments field with any additional details.

After submitting the request and awaiting our approval notification via email, proceed with following the return instructions included in the email.

Our Return Address:
Blauparts Returns Dept.
Order # ___________ (required)
4921 County Rd CR
Manitowoc, WI 54220

Order Tracking Information

An email with tracking information will be sent to the email address specified during checkout once your order has shipped. If you did not get one check your junk mail. You can also find your order's tracking number in the Orders section of your customer account.

If you did not receive one of these emails or need further assistance you will need to contact us.

  • Internet orders will need to provide us with the order number which was emailed to you after the order was placed or that is located within your customer account.